We are the reckless we are the wild youth

A visual exploration & academic references in the form of what one would call a creative journey..

Product photography- Kate Green – Project #3

So after shooting these products twice after losing the first bunch from the first shoot I feel as thought the second lot are much stronger,. Although it was ashamed that my brother managed to format the memory card and I lost the first set of photos I feel as though I managed to execute the second shoot much more efficiently today already had an idea of the angles that I wanted to shoot the products at.

Although the images came out fairly dark on the camera and I felt as though I was not cracking the nail on head with the exposure I feel as though after editing the series they look good as a set of product images.

Here’s a couple of my favourite for the full album please visit the link below:



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Portrait shoot feedback -Project #5

The images are finally complete and have been placed in Dropbox for Tom and Rachel! Here’s some proof:

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In terms of feedback when showed the third years the images on the camera there were very impressed after sending the edited version of image to Tom I received the email back thats shown above. In terms of the final images I myself was very impressed and surprised at the quality and consistency of them! I have to admit they seemed even more consistent and professional in comparison to the previous set that I had produced for Vis Lit. As a set/serious of images they are rather humorous, they are consistent in terms of technical aspect/side of things and most importantly they fulfil the brief of porters for the yearbook = CLIENT HAPPY !